Guiding Principles

The University Ombuds operates with the utmost integrity and professionalism in accordance with the University’s standards of ethical conduct and the International Ombuds Association’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.


A visitor’s identity, and the content of communications with the Ombuds, are considered confidential to the maximum extent permitted by law.


The Ombuds is a designated neutral and impartial resource who does not take sides or serve as an advocate for any person or entity. The Ombuds avoids conflicts of interest and conduct that could be perceived as a conflict of interest.


Visiting the University Ombuds is not analogous with “filing a complaint,” as the Ombuds does not have a role in investigating or adjudicating any formal process nor does the Ombuds have a reporting responsibility to other University offices that perform those roles.


The University Ombuds reports directly to the Chancellor and has sole discretion over whether or how to engage regarding individual, group, or systemic concerns, including whether to bring concerns to the attention of appropriate administrative individuals.

For a full description of these standards, please review the University Ombuds Charter.